Police Services
The Southern Regional Police Department is located at 49 East High Street, New Freedom, and the phone number is 235-3944 or through 911. It was started on January 1, 1992, and provides police services for the boroughs of Shrewsbury , Stewartstown and New Freedom and part-time coverage for Glen Rock Borough, the Southern School District and part-time for Railroad Borough. Currently, there are nine officers and one civilian employed by the police department. The SRPD provides various community policing programs like D.A.R.E., crime prevention for both the business community and the resident. Block Watch, and officers are available to speak to groups on Child Safety, Drug Education and Prevention, Person Safety and Bicycle Safety. The SRPD motto is to “Serve and Protect.”
Sewer Backups
The borough recommends that homeowners connected to the public sewer system purchase insurance called a “backup of sewer and drain endorsement” normally offered inexpensively through homeowners’ insurance to cover sewer backups occurring in the system. The borough’s insurance is immune from covering damage to homes when a backup occurs unless the borough is found to be at fault.