Expand the lists below to find more information about the members of our borough’s various committees and commissions.

Shrewsbury Borough Planning Commission
Stephen Mayoryk, Chairman
Terrance Blomquist
Ginger Sloan
Scott LaCoss, Jr.
Adam Green
Shrewsbury Borough Zoning Hearing Board
Thomas L. Milstead, Jr.
John S. Morrell
John T. Speights
Nelson Alpaugh, alternate
Vacant, alternate
Shrewsbury Borough Municipal Authority
Terrence Blomquist, Chair
Dennis Wertz, Vice Chair
Ted Nadobny
Andrew Campbell
John E. Hoover
Water and Sewer
Ted Nadobny, Chair
Michael G. Sharkey
Fred W. Arbogast
Public Roads and Lighting
Mark Beran, Chair
Mike Weaver
Ted Nadobny
Public Safety, Welfare, and Personnel
Fred W. Arbogast Chair
Mike Weaver
Ken Thomas
Public Lands, Building, and Finance
Ken Thomas, Chair
Fred Arbogast
Mark Beran
Subdivisions, Land Development, and Zoning
Mark Beran, Chair
Ted Nadobny
Kelly Gillispie
Retirement Committee: Trustees Pension
Fred Arbogast, Chair
Mike Weaver
Chief Administrator of Pension Plan
Fred Arbogast
York Adams Tax Bureau
Michael G. Sharkey
Brian Sweitzer, alternate
Emergency Management Representatives
Mike Sharkey, Representative
Brian Sweitzer, Alternate
Vacancy Board
John LaMartina – Registered Elector
Emergency Management Director/Coordinator
Stanton Walters, Coordinator
Nate Kirschman, Deputy Coordinator
Doug Claborn, Assistant Coordinator
Southern Police Commission
Michael Sharkey, Mayor
Brian Sweitzer, Council Representative
Mike Weaver and Kelly Gillispie as Alt. Citizen Representatives
Civil Service - Police
Nate Kirschman
Police Pension Committee
Mayor Michael Sharkey
SYC Regional Planning Commission
Brian Sweitzer
Stephen Mayoryk – alternate
Taxpayers Bill of Rights
Mark Beran
Open Records Officer
Cindy L. Bosley
Traffic and Access Control Officer